Eidul-Adha is also know as Feast of the Sacrifice, a major festival celebrated by Muslim worldwide to to honour the willingness of the prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his young first-born son Ismail as an act of submission to Allah swt command and his son's acceptance to being sacrificed, before Allah swt intervened to provide Abraham with a ram to sacrifice instead.
When we gathered together at the dining table, my father told us the old stories about his father, and other things that sometimes remind us how lucky we are sometimes in our life. The most heartily story is about my eldest brother who his life is not on his side. My father expressed his deep feeling that how bad his son turn to, end of the day he is still his son and his blood. I can see the sadness of my father through his eyes.
My eldest brother was wrongly brought up during his teenager time because he stayed with my grand parents and my father's sister. He got everything he wishes for. He was a smart student and he got 5 A's in his standard 5 "Penilaian" examination. Unfortunately my grand father passed away and my brother had changed and never changed. My dad said that my brother has to blame himself of not changing his lifestyle and attitude who always blaming other people of his 'unfortunate" life.